There is nothing more exciting – or stressful – than seeing your moving date start to rush towards you. You have been looking forward to the day you can step foot in your new home, but you also look around you and feel overwhelmed. How will you be ready in time? It is always advisable to plan ahead and we have some great tips that will make moving home in Cheadle less stressful by helping you to avoid some common and exhausting mistakes.
Don’t wait until the last minute
Have you started to prepare for your move? It is never too soon to get started – there are things you can do even before you place your home on the market. If you do a little here and there, the whole process won’t feel so insurmountable and, as your moving date approaches, you will feel a lot calmer. No matter where you are in the sales process one thing you can do now is start organising your move by decluttering.
Start decluttering now
Whether your home is yet to be placed on the market or you are in the midst of the sales process, it is never too early to start decluttering. We all accumulate a wealth of stuff over the years, from things that have moved into the attic never to be seen again, to drawers full of mystery, and do we mention those clothes that you’ll never wear again? Do you really want every tiny thing in to find its way to your new home, only to be stuffed away again?

This is a job you can do little by little; you may have a spare 10 minutes to sort out a drawer, or an afternoon to organise a bedroom. Sort things into:
* Keeping – will need before we move
* Keeping – but can pack it now ready for our move
* Donate
* Sell
* Bin
When you start to put things back, you will have less to do, which will help should you be looking to stage your home for sale. You will have some boxes already packed for your move, which means less to pack when the time comes. Make sure you label your boxes clearly, as this will make things a lot easier when you’re unpacking at the other end.
Forgetting to measure
You are no doubt taking a lot, if not all of your existing furniture, from your current home to your new one, but have you checked that it will all actually fit? It’s funny how our minds can play tricks on us and resize spaces or furniture when the reality can be a little bit different. If you haven’t already done so, organise a time to view your new home again but this time with a tape measure. This way, you will know for sure what furniture you can take with you, and what pieces you may have to get rid of before your move. This is far less stressful than arriving with a van full of your belongings and realising that the vision you had in your head cannot be achieved and then being left with things that won’t fit whilst you’re trying to make your new house feel like home.

Not organising your change of address
In the UK, we are lucky that Royal Mail can redirect post for a set amount of time, thus giving you some breathing space to check that you have changed your address on everything. As great as this is, it is still advantageous to plan your change of address in advance, even if companies won’t actually let you do it until after your move.
Start by making a list, from banks and subscriptions to the electoral roll. When you have a list to work through, it can make the process a lot easier and less time consuming. It is worth starting your list sooner rather than later as some organisations may only communicate with you a couple of times a year, whereas you may hear from others monthly.
Doing everything yourself
The idea of doing the whole move yourself can be attractive, especially if you’re only moving a short distance, but there is a lot more work than you could imagine. Yes, moving your possessions yourself could save you money compared to hiring a professional removal company, but it isn’t an easy job. Friends may offer to help you with your furniture, but bear in mind life happens and you could get let down at the last minute.

Moving furniture isn’t easy, and you will be moving a lot of it, plus boxes and general ‘stuff’ throughout the day. As the day moves on and you begin to tire, you will be more susceptible to injuries, or even an accident where something gets broken. There is knack to packing a van, knowing what to place where and how to make the best use of the space to protect belongings and ensure nothing is damaged in transit. A removal company will have the right equipment to protect any expensive furnishings and will make sure everything is packed correctly.
There are a wealth of removal companies in and around the Stockport area our past clients can share their thoughts and ask on Cheadle Facebook page groups for recommendations. It is worth investigating as this is one easy way of eliminating a physically and mentally exhausting moving mistake.
But remember, if you are planning to move on a Friday in particular, removal companies can get booked up, so it is important to book one as soon as possible to avoid a stressful last-minute search for someone!
Not preparing to move with kids and pets
Moving day will be stressful enough without the added worry of what your children and pets are up to and if they are safe. It will be difficult to keep them occupied whilst your attention is taken in another direction. Can your pets be cared for at a pet day care facility, friend or family? and your children left with a friend of relative? They can have a day of fun and you can focus on your move.

A smoother move
At Maurice Kilbride we want to ensure your move to your new home isn’t exhausting and stressful, but smooth and enjoyable. If you’re looking to move, we can make sure you have a wonderful experience from start to finish. Call Joe, Patrick or Maurice today on 0161 428 3663, e-mail or why not pop into our office in the centre of Cheadle village. You will always be made most welcome.
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